How Healthy Spiritual Rhythms Lead To A Good Life

Spiritual Rhythms

On the blog this today, we’re going to talk about a topic that I’m really passionate about—spiritual rhythms for everyday life. The truth of the matter is that we all have basic rhythms we follow, but there’s something about having an intentional structure that helps support the flow of life stuff. 

Let’s be clear, though, we’re not talking about adding extra things to an already hectic way of life. None of us need more things to do, right? 

Alignment with God is His special invitation to come, dwell, and live from His abundant goodness. As we arrange our lives around foundational pillars, it allows us to connect our God-given longings and commitments. This is a way that promotes wholeness and shalom.

Are you ready to live a saner life, where crazy and chaos don’t get to reign supreme? 

I want to humbly suggest that perhaps the best gift you could give yourself today is to just take a few minutes to rest. 

Consider what it might look like to do things a little differently. 

What might it be like to try living your everyday moments with a rule of life that helps define healthy spiritual rhythms, making space for restoration and revival? 

What are spiritual rhythms anyway?

When we talk about spiritual rhythms, we’re talking about cultivating intentional disciplines that help support healthy living. The keyword is intentional because whatever rhythm we develop it’s about creating a foundation that supports a spiritual formation process.

Why is that even important?

Well, that’s a huge part of what sanctification is all about. Salvation in Christ gives us access to the presence of God, and in His presence is where we find healing and wholeness. Spiritual formation is simply another phrase that describes the process of Christiformity. 

Spiritual rhythms are really a collection of disciplines that help us create a foundation by which we live. Really, they are a Rule for Life. Instead of just trying to balance and control all the events, commitments, and responsibilities, a rule for life helps evaluate what’s really important. 

As Christ-followers, a rule for life is about how you order your life. It’s not for the sake of organization, but rather as an act of worship. 

Jesus replied, You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.

Matthew 22:37

It’s hard to keep Jesus first when the busy stuff of life rules the roost. And that sense chaotic crazy that just sits like a lump on your chest? It doesn’t have to be that way.

Spiritual rhythms help us create a trellis or pillars that both ignites and sustains our life goals and God-given destiny. When we are in Christ, the goal is to become just like Him and to reflect that glory to others. We love God and we love people.

The adrenalin of busyness

I’ve been working on revising my own personal rule for life over the last few months. I realized I needed to shore up my own foundations as I read through a couple of books this summer. 

It’s easy to fall into the habit of checking the list, but without intentional surrender and a heartfelt focus, it can become rote. Also, I realized that there were places in my life that needed more support. Can I just say, that developing spiritual rhythms is never once and done? Different seasons and situations will call for a different set of rhythms.

When I was younger with littles in tow, I needed intentional spiritual rhythms that would help me to live in healthy ways. I confess I didn’t always have that in place. In fact, in those early days, I often resorted to trying to just be more disciplined in my scheduling. 

Here’s the thing, all the best organization in the world isn’t going to help the inner part of your soul if you don’t make space for the LORD in all your moments. We were not designed to compartmentalize where God is concerned. And, we weren’t designed for unceasing work.

Our culture lives off the adrenalin of busyness. It seems like the busier we are the more highly we think of ourselves. The problem is that there are many things we take responsibility for that we have no business picking up. 

Prioritizing & Setting the BIG ROCKS

Cultivating spiritual rhythms gives us a foundation and system by which we can evaluate what we do. It’s not that the disciplines themselves magically produce a desired result. No! But disciplines help us stay aligned and true to the deepest longings of the soul—to know God.

There are many spiritual practices that can help us create pillars that support our lives. Mapping it out and creating a plan creates the perfect evaluation tool when used with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Everything we commit to and take responsibility for should be measured against this rule of life. 

What is most important to you? 

What and who are you committed to?

How do you keep the LORD first?

How do you steward the life you’ve been given?

As believers, priorities should align with a commitment to follow Jesus. Loving God is about absolute surrender and that includes every aspect of our lives.

Embracing spiritual rhythms and building a rule for life

Do me a favor? Just take a minute and breathe. I know all this talk about reprioritizing and implementing rhythms or rules may feel overwhelming. I want to underscore that this is NOT about taking on more, it’s about simplifying the discernment process. 

Truthfully? God doesn’t need you or me to accomplish anything. He is more than sufficient to get His mission done. Yet, He invites us to participate. Think about that for a minute…

Do you struggle sometimes to hear God’s voice? 

Are you always aware of His presence?

What are the things that distract you from enjoying the presence of God?

The fact of the matter is that we live WAY beyond our margins. Most people fall into patterns where life and circumstances carry them here and there. But what if you could establish realistic guidelines for your life?

Honestly, I believe that we all have a set of rules and standards by which we live anyway, so why not use this process strategically? Following Jesus doesn’t have to be as complicated as we try to make it. Developing a rule for life with established spiritual rhythms will help us find anchor points for every aspect of life.  

One of the best ways I know to do this is to map it out. Now, we are all different in personality, so whether you lean toward clear tasks and boundaries, or prefer to fly free with the wind, this process can help. Work it according to who you are by developing the principles to help you find your footing and your light.

Rule for Life and spiritual rhythms

Establishing a rule for life is simply setting up certain guidelines to help you discern what you will or will not do. This discipline emphasizes intimacy with God as a priority and helps you to orient the rest of life toward that goal.

The best way to do this is to create four pillars (categories), Rest, Work, Intimacy with God, and Community/family. Most of what we do will fit into these four groups.

As you develop your list of rules for rest, work, intimacy with God, and Community, you are actually honoring your god-given limits and longings. These pillars will support and help you move toward the heart of the Father in all areas of your life. 

Pillar #1 | Rest 

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. 

Matthew 11:28-30, MSG

I love how Eugene Peterson phrases it in the Message Translation. The language beautifully points us to a way of doing life with Jesus that isn’t about product or performance.

Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…

That right there? That’s what I want. 

What about you? Can you relate to feeling tired, worn out, and burned out on religion? The invitation of Jesus is to come. Salvation is about recovering life, and it begins from the moment of belief. Yes, we work, but that’s not the sum of who we are. 

God designed humanity in His image, gave us an assignment, and then gave us a strategy to fulfill that destiny. Wholeness in Christ is supported and sustained by rest. Regular intervals of rest are essential foundations to spiritual rhythms. An essential pillar for a rule of life will include several practices of rest.

Consider what practices you believe are essential in practicing rest.

Do you practice a true Sabbath?

What kind of ways do you find rest throughout your week?

Where do you find silence and solitude in your schedule?

Prioritizing rest is about following the way of Jesus. His invitation is to come and recover life. Human beings tend to focus on doing, but God teaches us that doing always needs to come from being.

Rest helps us learn how to just be…

Pillar #2 | Work/Responsibilities

I don’t know about you, but I don’t have to struggle to fill my list of work responsibilities, but I have come to recognize that much of what I do is not really that essential. I bet you find the same. That’s perhaps a harsh assessment, but the truth of the matter is our god-given purpose to produce has been highjacked by the enemy. 

God created Eden and then gave Adam and Eve the responsibility to care for it. We were created for purpose, no doubt about it. But, God did not design humanity for endless productivity. That was the issue for Israel enslaved in Egypt. Listen, God set His people free from the tyranny of busy. We are not what we do. Doing should always, always, always, come out of the rich places of rest and intimacy with God.

As you develop this list of rules for healthy spiritual rhythms, you will need to discern between that which is good and best. It’s not always as easy as good and bad opportunities. Sometimes we have to say no to things that we’d like to do, for the sake of maintaining health and wellness in all parts of the soul. 

This is tough. So, make your list, but then be prepared to purge. Create space and margin for things that matter. Evaluate your goals and values and measure them against the investment of your time. We have to work, but the work doesn’t have to drive everything.

Pillar #3 | Intimacy with God

How do you keep God first? 

Being a Christ-follower is more than just going through the religious motions of church life and culture. It’s easier than you think to allow certain spiritual practices to become rote. 

I grew up going to a liturgical church. The complaint I heard from most of my peers in that context was that worship was dry and boring. It’s not a fair indictment, but let’s be fair, it’s not completely wrong either. It is what you make it.

Intimacy with God describes all aspects of a relationship with God. Call it what you want, but this pillar directs my attention to the primary purpose of life—to love God first.

What are the regular spiritual rhythms that help you keep Jesus first?

What prayer practices do you use?

How will you approach scripture? Bible Study, devotional reading, or some kind of reading plan?

How do disciplines like Examen, Contemplation, and journaling fit in?

Have you ever gone on a silent retreat, where the goal is to digitally disconnect for the purpose of connecting with God?

How do the practices like silence and solitude factor into your day and week?

Pillar #4 | Community/Family

Regardless of your personality, community matters. I lean more on the introvert side, so if I’m being honest, there have been times when I’ve thought that it might be nice to live like a hermit. Not always, but there have been moments. Conversely, there are many who live like family and friends are the ultimate priority. That said, let me be clear, Community is important; relationships matter. 

So how do we manage relationships in a healthy manner?

I think an important thing to remember is that you can’t be all things to all people at the same time. There are some relationships that will take precedent—period. Loving one another well doesn’t mean we don’t have boundaries and margins. Good relational differentiation is healthy and right.

Developing healthy spiritual rhythms in this category is just as critical as all the rest.

So who are the people that God has given to you, with whom to walk and work through life together?

If you are married, how do you honor that relationship? What boundaries do you have in place to guard and protect your heart for the sake of your spouse?

As a parent, it’s critical that we teach our children that the world does not revolve around them. This can be done in a loving manner so that they learn about healthy relational boundaries.

How will you connect with extended family? What about your friends?

What are non-negotiable priorities where family and community are concerned? 

Cultivating healthy spiritual rhythms

Mapping out your spiritual rhythms in foundational pillars will help you to be intentional about what matters most.  As you connect with the Father, He will help guide you in the way you live out the deepest longing of your soul.

If you would like to dig in and work through this idea of rule for life, I’ve got just the thing! I’ve included a Rule For Life worksheet to help you map out a plan for healthy spiritual rhythms that will help as you embrace the life God has designed for you.

I hope you found this post helpful, and if you’d like to read more here are some other blog posts that relate to this topic.


How to rein in the crazy when life feels out of control

Why margin matters | Exchanging the crazy life for God’s best!


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