His Word Alone: Why you need to read it (A Book Review)

Bible study

I have a treat for you.  Today on the blog I’m reviewing a brand-spankin’ new book called, His Word Alone, written by Summer Lacy.   Every once and while, an opportunity presents itself and it’s too good to pass up.


Right around the beginning of Easter I came across a post from Summer Lacy, who is also a member a Facebook blogging group that I belong to.  This is a fairly large group (over a 1000) of women from all over the world, so it was also the first time I had ever connected with her.  Summer’s post was an open invitation for anyone in the group to join the launch team for the second edition release of her book, His Word Alone.



Bible study



At the time, I was literally just finishing up my 90-Day through the Bible reading challenge, so my ears perked right up.  A book about personal Bible Study?  Ah, yes please–Sign. Me. Up.


(Disclosure: I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher).


I love reading, I love books about Bible Study, and a chance to come alongside a sister as she launched her gift and insight all wrapped up in a book seemed like the ultimate Win/Win. The Advanced Reader Copy eventually came and so began the journey.


Summer Lacy’s book, His Word Alone, is “a call to put down your Bible Studies and pick up your Bible.”—It actually says that right on the cover.  If you’ve been walking with the LORD for any amount of time, you know well that reading the Bible is an important discipline, but knowing something is important and doing it are two different things.


Why is Bible Study important?


Sometimes we forget that having access to the Bible in our spoken language is a gift and it wasn’t always that way.  Today many of us have several bibles, sometimes in different translations exactly for the purpose of Bible Study, but maybe you’ve noticed the same thing I have: sometimes they just sit on shelves.


I sit with people all the time who struggle to simply read their Bibles, let alone study them.  It’s not that they don’t want to; it’s that they don’t know how.  I don’t believe any of us are immune to this malaise, which is why I believe “His Word Alone,” by Summer Lacy is so timely.


Group Bible Study is much like large group worship gatherings.  They are important and valuable, but not a substitute for personal study or worship.  The LORD invites us as individuals, calling us out by name, to come and dwell in His presence.  Intimacy is developed in the secret place, which is why it is important to pursue Him on your own.



His Word Alone



Bible Studies


Summer begins, His Word Alone, with an exhortation to put down your Bible Studies.  There is no criticism or rebuke, simply an invitation with an encouraging challenge to just dig in.


As I read this book, I remembered back in the early years of marriage, when our kids were toddlers (they are college age now).  Both my husband and I have bachelor degrees in Bible and Theology, so it’s not like I didn’t have any idea how to study scripture, but as I was trying to develop my quiet time with the LORD.   In that season, I found myself drawn to Bible Studies, because they were just easier.


Ever been there?  I will confess that my motivation to study the word of God was often spurred by my desire to have the right answer.  I was a church leader so I should know my stuff, right?  My fear of failure often pushed me to find precedent over principle.  Here’s the thing, it doesn’t work that way.


Summer gently and clearly reminds us that the scriptures are a gift not to be taken for granted.  She also talks about how beautifully God meets us, reveals Himself, teaches, comforts us, and leads us by way of His word.  You want to know the heart of God–then you must meet with him over his word.



His Word Alone



Positioning and Process



Sometimes the very idea of doing Bible Study can feel overwhelming and intimidating.  You know what I mean, right?


Where to start?


What about all the stuff I don’t understand?


Fear is an effective tool of the enemy and he is never afraid to employ it.  Overwhelming and intimidating may well be effective words to describe how you feel about Bible study, but they are not the deciding factor.


“No matter how impossible individual Bible study may seem from where you are right now, God is not a God of confusion. To the contrary, He is the God of illumination. He meant for us to read, know, and understand His word because through it He reveals Himself.” (His Word Alone, p.84)


The whole second part of, His Word Alone, focuses on breaking it down and outlining a process so you can step into this discipline.  I don’t know about you, but sometimes it is just easier to break it down into smaller bites, which is exactly what Summer does in these last chapters.  Position and process are everything!



His Word Alone



What I like about this book…


It’s relatable…


I have yet to meet a person who hasn’t struggled with reading and studying the Bible.  This isn’t an issue for new believers; it’s an issue for all believers.


It’s an exhortation…


The message of this book is a strong and firm call to action.  His Word Alone, unapologetically calls it out the struggle, but also outlines a practical method providing a tangible solution.


It’s timeless…


This book is valuable because it hits where ever you are in your relationship with the LORD.  New believers or seasoned saints, we all need this call, because we can never plumb the depths of God’s word—there is always more!


It’s practical…


Bible study can feel intimidating.  His Word Alone is intentionally designed to help us get past fear of the process.  Each chapter has a section at the end, which helps us dig deeper to get past the things that hinder—questions, methods, helpful tools and resources all make the process easier.



His Word Alone



What I think about His Word Alone


You need to read this book.  Even if you aren’t currently struggling with personal Bible study, chances are you know someone who is.  We are called to love one another and make disciples of all nations—this is a tangible way to do just that!


His Word Alone is perfect for anyone who wants to go deeper, which is why it is my new favorite resource.  I expect this book will become an invaluable tool as I work in the areas of mentoring and leadership development.


His Word Alone is set to be released on May 21, 2018, but you can pre-order your book at amazon in either hard copy or kindle.  And just to make it super easy, here’s the link!





One comment

  1. Lila Diller says:

    #HisWordAlone I loved this book! I agree, it’s a must-read for everyone!

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