Hope defers to the Promise!

How’s it going today?

We are a few days into the Advent Journey and I am amazed already at how hope changes my perspective.  What about you, what are you learning about hope?  I’d love to read your thoughts and comments, so please share and post as we walk together fixing our eyes on Jesus.







Because it starts with Jesus…


Here’s the thing, believing God is active and continuous–it’s not once and done.  Believing is a choice.  Hope is a choice.


I have learned over the years that many of the issues my heart struggled with could be adjusted and healed as I shifted my attitude.  Please don’t translate that to mean that it’s “mind over matter,” because that’s not what I’m saying.  I realized that rehearsing fear doesn’t help anything.  When I began to see that I was not a victim to my feelings—I could choose to believe even when the emotion didn’t align—I found freedom. A great analogy is the picture of a mighty oak, firmed rooted in solid ground.  Those roots are attached to the source and even when storms come through the tree remains.




There is always a choice…


The enemy’s number one goal is to take me out, and he’s gunning for you too. His favorite tool is discouragement.  When things don’t happen as I think they should the enemy uses those circumstances to come against the promise, against divine truth.


God promised a lot.  He is generous and good always with the goal of complete healing and restoration—that’s the promise of salvation and eternal life.  God is all about restoration and there is always a season of renovation, a process which is both hard and good.  It’s in the moments of pain that we are tempted most to give ourselves to doubt and disbelief.  Hold fast and hold strong.  Hope has to fix her gaze on Jesus—Period.  The only way through is eyes fixed on Jesus and when the fog rolls in and you are walking blind, you rehearse and remember the promise.











Let’s get practical…The word of the God says this:



We demolish arguments

and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,

and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

(2 Cor. 10:5, NIV)



“…put on the LORD Jesus Christ,

and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.”

(Rom. 13:14, NASB)




Read through those verses again.


Think about what Paul is saying and how it applies to our journey with hope. There is a lot of good, practical truth packed into those two verses.


I don’t know about you, but something rose up in me as I read Paul’s words, “…and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  That sounds to me like we have the ability to cut the lies down and make them bow to Christ.  Think about that for minute.  What does that look like for you?  What ungodly beliefs have you stuck in doubt? Jesus secured victory through the finished work of the cross.  The lies have to acknowledge the sovereignty of God.  That means, we are NOT subject to our thought life; we can choose to believe and hope.  So when the lies roll in we defer to the promise.  Hope always defers to the promise.


The second verse, “…put on the LORD Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh…” is a powerful instruction.  Think about that for minute.  How often do you intentionally do that?  It’s a fair question and you can be assured that I’m asking it myself. To put on the LORD means to yield, to be subject to Him.  There is no room for desires or weakness of the flesh—like doubt.  Paul says, “…make no provision for the flesh.”  What desires of the flesh get elevated in your life?  You know, sometimes we desire beautiful, harmless things, but when the desire for these things start to rule how we live we move ourselves into dangerous places that teeter toward idolatry.  Ouch…


Putting on the LORD means we choose God—period.  We then mark out the path that doesn’t give us an easy out (provisions of the flesh) when the lies fly in.  We stay the course.


When I look at my life and apply the lens of hope I am reminded that I’m not alone.  I am able to see that God is present even in the hardest places and in those places, where it’s hard to see or hear; his promises become my shelter and refuge.  His promises are what help me to press on.


What promises are you holding onto?  Or what promise do you need to align your heart with?  Do it!  Write it on your heart and rehearse it over and over again.  Call the lies out and make’em bow down to Jesus!


Walking through the hard is inevitable but hope provides a way for defense because when we hope and believe, the promises become our shield and defense (Psalm 91:4)—and that, my friend, is good news!


Going forward…

*Take the thoughts and lies captive

*Make them bow down to the promises of Christ

*Align and clothe yourself with Christ

*Cut down all provisions of the flesh





Hope always defers to the promises of God.



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