7 outrageous benefits of a life that pursues simplicity



In my last post (you can read it here) we talked about the raw beauty of simplicity.  We looked at how it draws our attention calling to our soul, beckoning a better way.  Beauty is definitely something to behold, but for whatever reason it doesn’t seem to be a great motivator.  Which begs the question: what is a great motivator?  So, let’s talk about that and explore the benefits of simplicity.


There is no doubt in my mind that simplicity calls; it’s just a matter of whether or not you are willing to listen.  I’m not sure where the lie comes from, but I continue to hear a common sentiment that concludes “busy” and “complicated” are best.  Now, I’m not sure people really believe that, but regardless that’s what a commitment to the lifestyle communicates.


Here’s the thing, if you really want a better way, you are going to have to get over yourself.  I know that feels a little harsh doesn’t it?  I’m 100% preaching to myself.  Does it help you to know that I literally speak that to myself every single day?  Pride is insidious—you have to learn how to cut it off.


Busy and complicated life-styles are distraction tactics from the pit of hell, which lie a thousand different ways.  You need to know that you will never satisfy your need for significance through this manufactured system of fulfillment.  I know there are circumstances in life that can make things messy, but you can still choose simplicity.  Busy and complicated are really just symptoms of an undisciplined soul.


I’m here to tell you, there’s a better way.  The nature of simplicity is definitely easy, but walking in it? Yeah, not so much, but hard doesn’t equal impossible.  Here are 7 outrageous benefits of a life that pursues simplicity.


#1.  Peace


One of the benefits of simplicity is peace.  That, of course, was the central point I made in my last post, but let’s dig a little deeper and pursue it a little more.


What does peace look like in your world?  Does it feel as elusive as simplicity?  Let’s start by remembering that peace is a person and his name is Jesus.


“Jesus replied, ‘All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.” John 14:23


There is a special relationship between surrendered obedience and peace.  Love is demonstrated by obedience—you see that, right?  In that place of humble surrender, the offering of love is demonstrated by a yielding of the will.  Obedience is birthed out of love, not obligation.  This is what we call real worship—when your spirit responds to the spirit of God (John 4:23-24).  The result is always an overwhelming sense of peace, because that is what marks the presence of God—it’s who he is.


Cultivating a lifestyle of worship through surrender and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit will lead you into wide open spaces of glorious peace—even in the midst of messy, complicated life stuff.  When your soul is aligned with the LORD, then peace reigns from the inside.






#2.  Fulfillment


The second on my list of benefits of simplicity is fulfillment.  The world offers a lot of promises, but in my observation there is a failure to deliver.   Let me tell you something, you will never find fulfillment pursuing external things.   Press into God and go after the purposes he has for your life, because it is in that place that you become whole—that’s fulfillment.


Simplicity as defined by dictionary.com is: “freedom from complexity, intricacy, or division into parts.”  This is one of the attributes of God.  He is not complex, intricate, or divisible—he is simple.  The pursuit of Christ-likeness must include the pursuit of simplicity.


Strip it all back, my friend, because it is only in the pursuit of full communion with the LORD that you will find fulfillment.  This is what you were created for—relationship with the Father.

The life you are looking for—longing for—is found in Jesus.  Yielded, laid out, and fully surrendered is where you find fulfillment.






#3.  Contentment


Contentment is third on my list of benefits of simplicity.  The simple beauty of dew hanging off a brilliant green leaf early in the morning is deeply satisfying to my soul.  I don’t know what it is, but it inspires gratitude in my heart.


The rhythm of simplicity gives you space to see and recognize the beauty of God’s presence and power.  The LORD created you in his image for the purpose of an intimate relationship and there is nothing the world offers that will fill that longing within your soul.  Contentment comes when you align your heart with the Father’s heart.


“You satisfy me more than the richest feast.  I will praise you with songs of joy.”  Psalm 63:5


David penned this beautiful song of worship during a chaotic time in his life.  I often look to David because he was an extravagant worshipper.   Take a minute to read Psalm 63 and you will see a man standing in contentment.


Do you know the context of David’s life at the time?  The note above the Psalm in my Bible says, “A Psalm of David, regarding a time when David was in the wilderness of Judah.”  He wrote this song of worship while he was running for his life from King Saul (Read David’s Story starting in 1 Samuel 16).  David’s life circumstances were anything but simple, but he fixed his eyes on the LORD and found contentment in the waiting.






#4.  Clarity


Clarity is also one of the benefits of simplicity.  The older I get the more attracted I am to simple things.  I like simple math, straight lines, and decisive instructions.  Systems are a powerful tool, which create a foundation for clarity.  Let me illustrate…


We’ve hired some new staff at the cafe, where I work, so I’ve been helping with some of the job training. The tasks we perform on a daily basis are fairly simple, but the job can become chaotic and busy with a snap of the finger.  When a large rush of people come in looking for lunch it’s easy for panic to set in.


Here’s the thing, you can only serve one person at a time, no matter how long the line is.  The very best way to deal with a long line of hungry people is to lead them through the established process.  There is a specific way the order goes through and when you deviate from it, there will always be a problem.  It never pays to go off the grid.


This is a valuable principle.  Really what we’re talking about here is boundaries.   Simple boundaries help you see clearly, because they give you space to move, live and savor—even when it’s busy.






#5.  Rest


Are you desperate for rest?  Guess what, it’s one of the benefits of simplicity!


There are different kinds of rest and it’s important to understand and appreciate the value of each one.  There is physical, emotional, and mental rest, all of which have different applications and methods.  Your body needs rest in all of these areas.


Physical rest is fairly easy to check off the list.  Eventually you will become so tired, you will fall asleep.  Your day is divided up by sleep time and wake time.  That said you should regularly evaluate how well you are sleeping.  Emotional and mental rest, however, are more difficult to tend.  These are areas rest are often grossly neglected.


Simplicity gives space for nurturing the needs of your body, soul, and mind.  Rest is powerful, because it replenishes and revives.  Learning to implement periods of rest within your daily rhythm is life-giving.


Understand that rest isn’t a reward, its part of the whole.  When you disallow it, you make yourself sick.  Simplicity makes rhythms of rest easier.


“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you.  Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy bear, and the burden I give you is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30





#6.  Joy


You will find joy where there is peace, fulfillment, contentment, clarity, and rest.  Joy is a state a being, much more than just an emotion, which is why it is one of the benefits of simplicity.  If you want joy, the easiest way to find it is to simplify.  Trust and obey the LORD; live your life from that position.


We often forget that joy is a gift of the Spirit.  Just think about that for a minute.  Joy is not the product of good circumstances, it’s a gift, of the Holy Spirit, who lives within us (Galatians 5:22-23).


The pursuit of simplicity is about life transformation; it’s about becoming like Christ.  Disciplined lives follow the way of the LORD—it’s that simple.  Joy is released when you walk the way of simplicity, because simplicity is the place of rightness.  Do you see?  Alignment is everything.


“Your justice is eternal, and your instructions are perfectly true.  As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands.  You laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live.”

Psalm 119:143-144






#7.  Freedom


Freedom is also one of the great benefits of simplicity.   Wow, doesn’t that sound great?  The reality is we always have freedom; the problem is that sometimes we abdicate it.


“So Christ has truly set us free.  Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.”  Galatians 5:1


Paul tells us to make sure we stay free. Simplicity provides the framework to do just that.  When your heart and mind stand in alignment with the Father’s, you will experience stability.


Everything in your world may feel tangled and confused, but internal alignment with the Father steadies the soul.  When, the LORD, is first in your heart, everything you do comes from the overflow of his incredible grace.  It’s a response, rather than a price.


New opportunities present themselves a hundred different ways on any given day.  When you say yes to one thing, you are saying no to something else. What is your method of evaluation?  How do you decide what to do?


Stand with the LORD in truth and obey his precepts—not from a place of obligation, but from rather from surrender—this is the simple rhythm of rightness.  God is not confusing, not if you know his heart.  He invites you to come close so he can reveal himself to you.  God is simple and he wants that for you too.






Living with the benefits of simplicity


Enjoy the presence of peace.  (Psalm 46:10)


Savor the satisfaction of fulfillment and contentment.  (Psalm 37:3-4)


Leverage the power of clarity (Psalm 18:28)


Revive and restore yourself in rhythms of rest—just like Jesus did. (Psalm 23)


Release the joy that bubbles up because of internal rightness. (Psalm 118:15)


Stay free.  Lean into simplicity and embrace real freedom of pursuing the dreams and calling he has planted in you.  (Psalm 119:45)




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