The elegance of simplicity: making space for peace

the elegance of simplicity


the elegance of simplicity

This month’s theme on the blog is all about simplicity. The events of the last three months took my life in a completely different direction, not in a bad way, but definitely not what I had planned.  I’ve been thinking a lot about how the elegance of simplicity calls me, inviting me to redefine my core—the substance of who I am.  Have you ever thought about?  Because you have a choice—there is always a choice.


September has arrived and as summer gives way to fall, life tends to take colossal turns in order to accommodate new commitments and responsibilities.  Every year it’s the same.  You see it, right?  And I don’t think is matters one little bit about what season of life you are in—there is a definite change in the atmosphere, both metaphorically and physically.


Difficult and complicated issues certainly arise, but these events do no define us.  I’ve learned that life events don’t really have the power to hold us hostage, although it may feel like it in the moment.  The truth is you are not a victim to the tyranny of busy.  You have the authority to mark out the way and set the standard.


What would it look like if you deliberately created margin?  Peace is not illusive, it is right there for the taking.  Are you looking for it in the right place?


Here’s the thing, the elegance of simplicity allows peace to rise to the top.  External things are pretty much outside of our control, but a life yielded to the Father lives by peace.  Oh, I know, that feels like a loaded statement, but we’re going to break it down.


The elegance of simplicity


There is an allure to simplicity.  I hear in the wistful tone of voices from all walks of life.  All the fascinating trends of technology don’t seem to hold up against the pure unadulterated beauty of simplicity.  I’m sure the memories of yesteryear look different from generation to generation, but the essence is the same.  There is a definite longing for the simpler ways days gone by.


So let’s talk about what that looks like…


When I think about the elegance of simplicity it usually evokes a picture of holistic purity.  Let me explain.  I live in a small town surrounded by farm fields.  One of the best gifts of small town living is the beauty of undeveloped landscape.  Every time I drive into town, I get to behold the holistic purity of tree lines, wild flowers, fields of corn, and tree covered mountains.  It’s breathtaking, and it creates in me a yearning for something much less complicated than the place where I’m planted.


Do you see it?  You should take some time and explore the wonder of God’s amazing creation.  I am astounded by the scope of beauty that emanates from simplicity.



the elegance of simplicity



Simplicity defined


Simplicity, of course, is firmly rooted in all things simple.  As I considered the elegance of simplicity I consulted with, as I usually do when I dig deeper into learning and understanding.  There are usually a few definitions listed, which help to really flush out the meaning.  This is what I found:


“1). The state, quality, or an instance of being simple…2). Freedom from complexity, intricacy, or division into parts…3). Freedom from deceit or guile…”

You’ll notice in the first part of that definition it points us back to the root word, simple.

Simple is defined as:


“1).  Easy to understand, deal with, use, etc…2).  Not elaborated or artificial; plain…3).  Not ornate or luxurious…4). Unaffected; unassuming; modest…5).  No complicated…6).  Not complex or compound.”


Some of these words help to expand the meaning, which helps to fill out understanding.  There is a fuller picture, which just helps to establish a standard.


Do you notice anything as you read and linger over these definitions?  Read them again, maybe out loud this time, and pay attention to the words that catch the attention of your soul.


Simplicity is a state of being simple.  It’s a state of being.  The elegance of simplicity isn’t made, it just is.  That’s really important to get your head wrapped around, because when you realize it comes from within it affects the way you live with everything else.



the elegance of simplicity



Creating Margin


Busyness has become a status symbol, much the way money and title are.  Jam packed schedules are sure indicators of importance, so much so that busyness has become the new normal.   The first step toward the elegance of simplicity is to create some margin.  Space and margin are necessary ingredients for the way of simplicity.


A number of years ago, when my kids were still in elementary school I decided I’d had enough.  I was too tired to keep up with it all and I realized that I didn’t need to capitulate to the tyranny of busy.  My first attempt in righting the ship was to take control of the Calendar.


I’d love to say that all it took was re-organizing the Calendar and we all lived happily ever after, but it was not that easy.  I dreamed of simplicity, but even as I talked and worked for it I found people around me were less than encouraging.  It was frustrating.


Here’s the thing, the elegance of simplicity doesn’t hinge on controlling the external circumstances—at least not completely.  There is no perfect balance, but it does help to know that you are allowed to say no—even if it’s good stuff.


One of the phrases I hear often is:  “Well, you have to [fill in the blank].”  It makes me crazy, because the reality is I don’t have to do anything, and neither do you.  This is a lie of the enemy, because he knows that busyness is a good distraction strategy.


Fight for margin; it’s worth it.   It will take a commitment and a fierce unwavering stance to keep space in your schedule—this will take practice.



the elegance of simplicity



Re-Painting the Lines


The second step toward the elegance of simplicity is to re-paint the lines of your life.  This is all about boundaries.  Let me illustrate…


Our Church is located downtown and we have a fairly large parking lot.  When we purchased the building two and half years ago, we knew the parking lot was going to need a renovation.  It is a large space and it gets well used, but all it takes is someone to park in the wrong place and then it becomes a mess.


Last week we were finally able to get it done.  They re-sealed it and re-painted the lines.  I drove in the other night for a ministry event and parking was a dream.


Sometimes you have to re-paint the lines in your soul so that the people in your world know where they can park.  Sure there may be one or two who struggle to park within the lines, but if you know where the lines are you can help re-direct.  The lines are also important for you, because they give you the framework by which you operate.  This is a really important principle to employ.


The lines help you discern and manage margin.  Systems are helpful, and I’m going to just say it, necessary.  When you have a simple structure and adequate margin there will be room for ample creativity.



the elegance of simplicity



The internal foundation of simplicity


The third step toward the elegance of simplicity is less mechanical, more spiritual.  Simplicity needs to start from the inside, which begs the question:  Why didn’t we start here?


Well, I think that if we are honest, we do start here.  The longing that draws us to the simple way is an invitation from the Father, who loves us and wants us to experience fulfillment and wholeness.  Really, the journey toward simplicity encapsulates all three steps concurrently working together in the process.


The practical steps of creating margin and re-painting the lines are tangible projects, which will produce a visible change in a fairly short amount of time.  Establishing the internal foundation of simplicity is about making a choice, which will require a surrender of the will.


Here’s the thing, you and I are created in the image of God.  The theological term for this is Imago Dei.  As Christians, our lives in this world are marked by the process of becoming more like God—we call that sanctification.  Sanctification is about becoming who we were created to be in the image of God.


Do you know that Simplicity is one of God’s attributes?  The simplicity of God is that He is uncompounded, simple, and indivisible.  Understand that we’re talking about His essence not his substance.  The essence of God is beautifully simple and uncomplicated.  1 That is part of the image He wants to restore in you and in me.


The internal foundation of simplicity is God.  The yielding of your will in exchange for His creates remarkable peace in the soul. Margin and lines create space, which makes room for clarity.  When you initiate the process physically it sets things in motion spiritually too.  This is the elegance of simplicity, to live from the presence of God instead of for it.



the elegance of simplicity



Reclaiming the elegance of simplicity


So, if we are created in the image of God than simplicity is also woven into the fabric of our DNA.  This longing and yearning for the simple way is the sound of your soul crying out for fulfillment.  Your identity as beloved child of God is marked by the elegance of simplicity.


I know how feelings can try to tell a different story, but the truth of the matter is when you walk in alignment with the Father—trusting and yielding to Him—things become simple again.  But this doesn’t just happen and it’s not once and done; it’s about practicing the presence of God.


The spirit-filled life functions from the place of surrender, which begins with trust.  It always starts with trust, which activates faith, to empower surrender and obedience.


“God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’S promises prove true.  He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.  For who is God except the LORD?  Who but our God is a solid rock?  God arms me with strength and he makes my way perfect.  He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.”  Psalm 18:30-33


God is good, His ways are perfect, and He is present—every step of the way.  He is trust-worthy and faithful, demonstrating the elegance of simplicity because it’s who He is.  We have tangible access because He lives in us; it’s not so far out of reach.



the elegance of simplicity



One last thing, the essence of simplicity is not foreign to the human soul.  It may not feel like it now, but it is part of who you really are.  Lean in and know God.  Go deeper; trust Him to redeem and restore all of your heart.  There is more.






  1. Charles Caldwell Ryrie, Th.D., Ph.D.,  The Ryrie Study Bible (New American Standard Translation), A Synopsis of Bible Doctrine: The Doctrine of God, The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1976, 1978. p.1945

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