Identity Theft: How to take your life back and REALLY live!

Identity Theft: Taking life back



Identity theft is a scary thing.  I mean, really, what is more terrifying than having your personal information stolen and abused?  Maybe you have already experienced this particular brand of terror?  Identity is the most foundational key to living, so understanding how to take it back and hold it is essential.

I got thinking about identity theft  because my family recently began the process of passport renewal.  If you’ve done this then you know what I’m talking about.  Our situation is complicated because we live outside our home country.  Every Country has a process and specific criteria for the documents required to bear the burden of proof.

We usually run into issue with photo identification.  Through this process we have found that when we submit photos that are taken outside of our home country they don’t usually meet the standard.  Because passport documents are of the highest value when proving identity, every piece of supporting identification has to measure up.

Identification is about who we are.  It bears the burden of proof, so it is a BIG deal when it gets stolen.  Here’s the thing, as bad as it is to have physical identification documents stolen, it is even worse when your spiritual identity is stolen.  When your spiritual identity is stolen what’s left is a false self, composed of lies and other people’s projected ideas of who you should be.  The unfortunate part of this is that sometimes we are completely unaware that it has even happened.



The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
 (John 10:10)


Since the beginning of time the sole goal of the enemy is to steal, kill and destroy. Identity theft is his game!  So how do we take it back?



identity theft


identity theft


identity theft




Recognizing the signs of Identity Theft

In the book of Genesis we read about how the Serpent deceived Eve and Adam by taking God’s words and twisting them to serve his purpose. Eve believed the lie and then chose to wield control of her future by eating forbidden fruit.  The enemy succeeded in isolating humanity from Creator, which is what enables him to steal, kill and destroy.  When we choose to believe lies we open the door of our hearts and give it up. Identity theft is ultimately about death.

You see (and this is important to understand), the enemy does not make us do things, he just lies. Lies are used to spin a web of deceit for the sole purpose of distraction. One of the best ways to check for identity theft is to examine your heart and write what you believe to be true of God. What’s your statement of faith? Does is match how you live?  Listen, this isn’t about condemnation, it’s about digging in and really seeing what’s in the heart.

Another good indicator is constant activity.  Being busy is not wrong in and of itself, but it can be a manifestation of an orphan spirit, which is the definition of identity theft. An orphan spirit drives you into a frenzy that needs to prove value.  Life under that influence looks busy in unhealthy ways.  The constant activity feels good in the beginning, but it always gets out of control.  It is hard to say, no, but all of the busy doesn’t accomplish anything. Sound familiar?

Jesus said that he came “…that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John10:10   This scripture stands as a promise. Do you believe him or have you settled into a pattern of life resigned to seeing abundance “some day?”



iidentity proving


proving identity




Unraveling the Lies woven in Identity Theft

You have to go back to the beginning and deal with the issue of trust. What?  I know, but it’s true.  That’s where the enemy broke through first, so that’s the place the start, but you need to know it can be hard. The lies can be so subtle that it’s hard to recognize them for what they are.

I will never forget the moment I realized that I didn’t actually trust God.  He revealed my heart in the middle of a desperate prayer over an area of my life I was deeply dissatisfied with.  God answered my heart by telling me the problem: “You don’t trust me…” It was not an angry or offended accusation, just a statement of fact.  I was dumbfounded. As a Bible College student how on earth could my issue be a lack of trust?  The suggestion felt absurd and only added to my frustration.

I barely uttered the word, “how” and the LORD brought instant clarity.  What followed was the realization of a deeply ignored broken heart, which felt awful, but helped to expose the lie.  The enemy used a horrible event in my life to contradict the promise of God, which went something like this: If God loved me so much, then why did he not protect me?”

It always starts with one lie, but the whole thing is fortified with more. Find the root, because once that thread is pulled the whole thing unravels. The best way to achieve this is through the immersion of truth.  Deal with the trust issue and intimacy with the Father is restored.

It really is that simple, but simple doesn’t always mean easy. It will take time but when eyes are fixed on God the heart rehearses truth instead of lies.



unraveling lies


moving forward




Re-establishing Foundations after Identity Theft

When something gets stolen it rarely comes back to you the way it was taken.  Thieves are mean and we already know they don’t’ play by fair rules.  If they get caught they are usually pretty quick to dump and destroy evidence.  That’s doesn’t bode well for you and I.

Re-establishing a practice of trust is not easy because the mind has been conditioned toward distrust.  Disbelief may feel justified at the time, but that practice leads the way into deeper broken places.   It is important to understand that trust isn’t just a feeling, it is a choice.  A giant leap of faith is required, but believe me when I say, that gesture is not lost on God.

Choosing to trust God has to become the stronghold.  It becomes a new way of thinking and a new way of living. Re-establishing the broken foundation isn’t done in a day, it happens over time through the actual practice of trust. Trusting God (agreeing with His promises) gives Him permission to renew the mind, which establishes a firm foundation built on Christ, not faulty human logic and reason.  Choosing to trust God is not once and done, it becomes a practice of rehearsing His truth which is always found in his word.



leap of faith


strongholds of truth


foundational truth




Truth leads to freedom

After every revelation comes an invitation to discover the truth.  Knowing of truth is different from experiencing truth.  When God reveals truth to the heart, you can be sure that He will back it up with an invitation to come closer, because he knows what’s up and how best to get after it.  The alignment of trust and belief opens the way for freedom.

God meets us in his word, because it is his living, breathing, testimony.  His story is always about life and restoration-always! So when you read truth, but have no experience to back it up, ask for one.


I bow before your holy Temple as I worship.I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for your promises are backed by all the honor of your name. As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.
 (Psalm 138:2-3)


The choice to trust procures a clear passage into His holy presence which changes everything, because, you see, God meets with anyone who will call on his name. His love is so full and perfect that he relentlessly pursues everyone, unapologetically.  He never violates our freedom to choose, but he fights for our right to know the truth.



open door invitation


invitation to come and know


clear path




Following God into the Deep

There will be scripture that you read that is hard to believe, not because you don’t want to, but because experience contradicts it.  In those places learn how to dig deeper.  Circumstances only present one small part of the situation.  When circumstances come against the word of God, leverage it to follow God into the deeper places of knowing, because that is what it looks like to trust God.


I publicly proclaim bold promises.  I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner. I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found. I, the LORD, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.
 (Isaiah 45:19)


Go ahead, I dare you!  His promises are backed by the honor of HIS powerful name.   He has set the invitation out and opened the door wide for discovery.  God initiates and waits, because He knows very well that His goodness is only truly known when it is chosen.



Deep calls to deep




Abundant Life:  Identity Theft Re-boot

So taking back your life is totally doable and abundant life is not just for some distant tomorrow.  Abundant life is about living life in the overflow of identity.  There is life after identity theft—good life. When you take back life by trusting God and pressing in, you position your heart to see and hear truth.  Truth sets you free.








Abundant Life does not mean we are exempt from difficulty and challenges, it is a life set on trusting God in every situation—good and bad.  So when you take your life back, you set it in the hands of a mighty, all-powerful God, who has your back—even when the lies say he doesn’t.  Abundant life lives from identity founded in Jesus.


But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.
(Isaiah 43:1)


When you trust God and surrender your life to Him, that act restores a right relationship with Him.  As a believer in Christ you are identified as God’s child and THAT is who you are. The shed blood of Jesus redeems a broken life, so while the enemy will try to steal, kill and destroy, truth will always override and restore.

It is time to embrace the love of God and believe it because love births life.  In order to live the life you always wanted you need to believe God and trust his promises.  Life flows out of oneness with God, because you can’t know your heart, until you know his.

One comment

  1. Bonnie Kirk says:

    In my own healing journey, images helped me to make corrections. I drew images of me and God and realized there was distance and insignificance in the pictures I drew. I searched for images that aligned with scripture and these helped me to correct the areas where my heart and identity were misaligned. There was something about seeing pictures of truth rather than just reading words of truth that helped me. There is one particular picture that ministers to me right now. I often start my day by staring at that picture until my heart aligns.

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