Thriving in the Dark Season is Easier than You Think!

Thriving in the Dark Season



Thriving in the dark season, when you feel ripped open raw, is a difficult concept to embrace.  Dark seasons are of the most strenuous, painful experiences encountered, so survival is usually the tract followed.  The idea that thriving in the dark season is even doable can feel absurd, but the truth is it is easier than you think.


Okay, let’s break that down, because I don’t want you to get stuck on the word “easier.”  I want to be clear right from the beginning:  nothing about the dark season is easy. But even in the most difficult circumstances there are options in how to come through—options which make it easier.


Defining the Dark Season


“Dark Season” is a broad term I use to describe the aftermath of a difficult event or experience that can linger for a long period of time.  Death of loved one, loss of a job, illness, addiction, and depression are all great examples of issues which create a long-term challenge.  All of these difficulties produce a sense of lost-ness and weariness which have a way of consuming from the inside out.


Thriving in the Dark Season


Dark seasons are just that: dark.  Heavy circumstances usually trigger fear, which sends us into survival mode.  This is not bad or incorrect it is exactly what we’ve been wired to do.  It is basic instinct to shift toward self-preservation when life as you know it is threatened, but that method isn’t equipped to sustain and carry on beyond the crisis. Walking through the aftermath requires a whole new mode of operation.


It is also important to note that everyone’s dark season is different.  Do not give into the temptation of comparing experiences, because it’s just not fair.  No one wins with those types of measurements and the truth of the matter is, we all relate to pain.  Pain is the great equalizer.


Fight or Flight: Moving beyond Self-Preservation


When crisis has been stabilized the next step is always healing.  In my experience, however, it can be difficult to move on.  I think that’s pretty normal, but staying in a place of isolation and self-protection is not healthy long-term.

Reluctance is expected, because it is fueled by the trauma of crisis.  But the crisis only provides a small part of the picture.  Those who are in Christ Jesus have been planted in fertile ground and that doesn’t change regardless of the surrounding elements and conditions. God will provide because that is His character and nature


The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Psalm 23:1


Provision and abundance come in all sorts of different packages and usually this grace of His comes in ways you don’t expect, or (dare I say) like.   One of the most beautiful gifts He gives is a gift of community.

I know how people can make hard things, harder.  The thing is, as clumsy as friends and family can be with words the heart is usually right.   And here’s the thing, when perspective shifts toward healing, the heart is better able to receive what it needs, even when the need feels contrary to what is desired. Healing takes time.



Thriving in the Dark Season



Thriving in the Dark Season Needs a New Perspective


When I think of the Dark Season, I picture winter—barren and dead.  I’ve always disliked winter because the harsh cold strips you bare and leaves you frozen to the bone.  The trees are naked, their glory removed, leaving nothing but forsaken wooden limbs, blowing in the wind.  It is cold and the wind is so sharp it burns inside when you breathe.

I realized something this year.  As summer gave way to Autumn I braced myself for that familiar sense of dread, but the LORD spoke a new word into my heart and it changed my perspective.  He simply said this: Dormancy.



Thriving in the Dark Season



As I studied the word a whole new picture began to form.  You see, dormancy can look like death on the outside, but inside there is deep restoration happening as production gives way to rest. It got me thinking.


What if the Dark Season is not an attack?  What if it is a gift?  (Gulp)  Yeah, I know, that is hard to swallow.   But think about it, if the Dark Season is about providing a testing ground, a place to let defenses down, it absolutely becomes a place of process. This is the place where revelation and truth become your testimony. The knowledge moves from head to heart and is sealed by experience, what a gift.




Thriving in the Dark Season Needs a New Position


When you let your defenses down you assume a new position.  In the place of process you assume an offensive stance, which looks different from what you are used to.  Dormancy is about rest and waiting. This offensive stance of rest relies on God to do what He says He’s going to do.

You take this position when you make the choice to trust God. It’s that easy.  Well, easy to understand, a bit harder to practice, but it is completely doable.


He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.

Psalm 23:2

Thriving in the Dark Season



Thriving in the Dark Season happens as we quit fighting it and simply wait and rest. It feels unproductive and sometimes the pain from the initial crisis is overwhelming. That’s why the LORD tells us to rest and wait in the quiet.  Healing takes time and happens best with the ceasing of activity.


Deep rest provides restoration and life, which kind of sounds like the definition of thriving.  Thriving is about the production of healthy life and growth, which is most often associated with the growing season. But plants can’t grow without a season of rest. Rest is a key ingredient of productivity and wholeness.



Thriving in the Dark Season: Partnering with Truth


When we follow the LORD, he provides.  Thriving in the Dark Season will require an agreement with truth.  Cutting off the lies of the enemy which come against this truth is essential.  When you fix your eyes on Jesus you will begin to see the abundance.  You cannot see provision when you are focused on the lack and the difficult circumstances.



Thriving in the Dark Season



He gives the gift of His word. Thriving in the dark season is much easier to do when you feed on the truth of God’s promises. This process that isn’t hard, but it will require discipline.


You begin by reminding yourself and rehearsing the scriptural promises.  This is a repetitive exercise, but don’t worry, it gets easier the more you do it. This is what Jesus did and when the enemy came against Him in the desert (his Dark Season) Jesus simply declared the truth (Matthew 4:1-17). The truth always sets us free and we have abundant access to it.


He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

Psalm 91:4


This verse is an invitation to trust God and agree with what He says. The LORD spoke this verse to me repetitively during a hard season.  I made the choice in that place to take him at His word and he did not disappoint. I do not regret placing my trust in God. He is almighty and magnificent even when circumstances surrounding me are hard.


Since that time, eight years ago, I have experienced some even darker seasons.  I am so thankful for the provision of His word because it is a lifeline.



Thriving in the Dark Season



Thriving in the Dark Season is the Fruit of Presence


The goal of the enemy is always isolation.  Horrific life experiences have the potential to knock us down, but that’s it.  Because of the finished work of the cross we have a sealed promise, so when life happens and it hurts we have a foundation that’s stronger. God doesn’t waste anything, so when the” yuck” flies He provides a place to hide and heal.


The name of God that you want to remember is, Yahweh Shammah, “The Lord is there.”  (Ezekiel 48:35)  God is present and that is who He is.  It is important to wrap you head around this truth, because it really changes everything.  Think about it, God is present in all things.  When Christ died the veil that separated humanity and God was torn.  The blood Christ spilled opened the way into the holy presence of God.  Jesus covers us always.

Making the choice to run to God makes Thriving possible.  The very presence of God changes things so when you enter in and just receive restoration happens.  The restored heart grows and becomes stronger; it’s the fruit of just being in His presence.


Do you see it? This is not about doing, it’s all about being and receiving.  Trust is the stepping stone we take into His presence, but once there, He does the most miraculous work, which equips us for life.



Thriving in the Dark Season



The Picture of Thriving in the Dark Season 


Thriving in the Dark Season is not about getting past the pain, it’s about living above it. There are some things that happen to us that take a long time to heal, but when we run to the LORD he will lead us through, even if it means carrying us for a while.


He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.  You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil.  My cup overflows with blessings.

 Psalm 23:3-5


Thriving in the Dark Season is easier than you think, but in order for it happen there needs to be an intentional movement away from fear.  A shift of perspective allows for the concession that difficult circumstances are not always an attack. When eyes are fixed on the LORD it is easier to see and access the abundance of who He is and what He can do.



Thriving in the Dark Season



Resting and waiting in His presence is an active sacrifice of worship, which He loves. Surrendered hearts are the most receptive to his infinite grace and mercy. In his presence healing and restoration happens perfectly and abundantly.  Do you see it?  Can you picture how his perfect love does all the work? Thriving in the Dark Season looks like yielded trust that rests and waits. With our permission God works miracles so that we can experience revival and life.  What a gift.

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